Monday 21 December 2015


The above named prophet has named certain prophets during an interview with Sankofa Radio as false prophets,  who are using the Name of Jesus in vain to deceive people.
He said these prophets are actually not from God, but are being used by the devil to deceive the congregation. 

Former Prophet Elisha said, he himself used to be part of this organization. He said they were using a demonic power called MAHANTA.

He said, he rose to be a a leader and a prefect among them. He said he is concerned about the poor congregation, who are being deceived by these prophets, who have already sold their consciences to the devil.  He said he is coming out at this time to reveal the truth so that the poor congregation will learn this and save their souls.
He advised that every congregant before he/she becomes part of a church should research and pray about the pastor first, else he/she will end up in the wrong place.

Before he began mentioning the names, he admonished the congregants to consider carefully the WORD the LORD Jesus spoke:
[4] “Watch out that no one deceives you.
[5] For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and will deceive many (Matthew 24:4-5).

[11] and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people (Matthew 24:11).
[24] For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
[25] See, I have told you ahead of time (Matthew 24:24-25).

Here are some of the pastors and the Prophets he named as false who were using the power of MAHANTA,  and using the name of the LORD Jesus as a cover up.
1. Rev. Obofour - Anointed Palace Church
2. Jesus Abrantie
3. Prophet Nicholas
4. Kum Cha Cha
5. Prophet AB - MOGPA
6. Apae Live
7. Francis Akoto Kwateng
8. Odifoa Akwah
9. Daniel Obinim
10. Ebenezer Yiadom Adakwah
11. Rev. Owusu Bempah
12. Prophet Isaac Felix Kwarteng - Odokor
13. David - Tema
14. Tetteh Solomon - Finger of the Lord
15. Agya - Ejuso
16. Ricky Joe - Dansoman
17. Prophet Angel Uebert - Spirit Embassy, Zimbabwe.
18. Prophet Abiola Ayo - Nigeria
19. Prophet T.B. Joshua - Nigeria.
20. Osofo Kyiri Abosom (Yaw Appiah).

*Former Prophet Elisha said his spiritual father is T.B. Joshua, and that he served under him for about three and a half years.
He also said, he was the leader for the MAHANTA group in Ghana, and ever since he left, his position has been given to Prophet AB of MOGPA.

Monday 14 December 2015

Meet OB (The Optometrist Comedian) @ 1021 laughs .Don't miss out

Obarima Amponsah popularly  known as OB is one of the new upcoming talented Comedians in Ghana.Having graduated from the University of Cape Coast after pursuing  B.SC in Optometry,he has never done away with his talent.

He is a guy with a great sense of humour and upon realizing his natural instinct ,he has been glued to it. In his final year in the University he staged his first comedy show which he dubbed "Wonsere a gyai" .Which was a pure twi comedy.The show brought a number of comedy lovers to the Sasakawa Conference Center.
The success of the first show gave him the atmostphere to stage "Wonsere a gyai 2" .This show made people fall from their seat at the SMS auditorium in UCC as a result of yhe Hilarious comic display by OB.

After Wonsere a gyai 1 & 2, has gone further to share the same comedy stage with Ghana's finest comedians like DKB , Romanus ,Oscar and others at different comedy shows.

OB has now gotten the opportunity to stand in front of dignitaries  to perform in the upcoming A night of  1021 laugh  . A stage which brought the comedians like Funny Face , DKB , Oscar to the limelight. Such opportunities  need the support of all love ones.lets go in our numbers to support OB Gh.

Monday 30 November 2015

How to pierce the darkness (Make it A Christmas to Remember)

This world is full of darkness. You see it in the workplace, in the home, in halls of politics, and in every community. But here’s a truth – light is stronger than dark. It has always been the ultimate symbol of hope. A single star pierces through a billion miles of space. A lighthouse can call out to the mariner surrounded by the black sea. A flashlight can illuminate the hidden path.

Even though your situation may seem dire, I still think this Christmas can be the best you’ve ever had : Be the hope. Be a candle.
Light a match. And if the wind snuffs it out,
light it again.

Find another lonely person and make their day. Pick up the phone, and call a friend. Show up at a shelter and talk to man grizzled by time and foraging for survival. Volunteer to sit in the lunchroom at a nursing home and talk to the woman who has lost her words to the sands of time, but eyes and ears still witness life.
It’s not about finding someone more miserable than you. That’s a loser’s game that selfishly makes you out to be the superior.

But when the tug on your heart sneaks up in the midnight hour, or in the prime time of another Christmas special, or in the silence of the room, remember this is the day that can be light to another. If you want to make your day, make their day. I had someone tell me once, “If you are looking for a way out of the hole you are in, first climb out of yourself.

I can’t give you any words that will heal the pain you have. People are cruel. Life is unfair. I don’t have all the answers. I don’t pretend to know your situation – I get it. But I do know the best way out of a dark place is find a little light. It doesn’t have to be beacon or a spotlight or a thousand watts of brilliance. All the darkness in the world can’t snuff out the light of a single, simple candle.And that might be just enough to change your Christmas and theirs.

Saturday 21 November 2015

Project Hope Gh -UCC donates to Assin Akrofuom Methodist Basic School and Akrofuom D/A Basic School.

Project Hope is a consortium of kind hearted, highly motivated, and hardworking youth students with the ambition, passion and common interest to inspire and make a greater difference in the lives of underprivileged children, people and communities across the country donated some educational materials and other items to Akrofuom Methodist and D/A  Basic School  in the Central Region.

The other items donated included provisions,school bags, clothes, washing powders, and toiletries.

Assin Akrofuom is a town located along the Yamoransa -Kumasi  High way.Both schools in the community were deprived of some educational materials .Upon agreement by both Heads of the schools, Project Hope took the initiative to support these schools.

Project Hope is determined at making a big difference in the everyday lives of deprived children through the initiation of a massive student, corperate and social media based donation movement, and fundraising events to support this noble course. Members of Project Hope aim at influencing the youth positively to cause change in the society using philanthropic or charitable means.

"Hope Day @ Assin Akrofuom" as it was dubbed, was funded by the University society through their usual donations.The Project Hope Gh UCC team visited all the six traditional halls on the University of Cape Coast campus to solicit for funds.They also embarked on a door to door collection at some Hostels on the university community .The team stormed various entertainment joints in cape coast like the goil filling station and sizzler to solicit for funds as well. Certain individuals also contributed their quota .Since it was a donation to a school,all members were entreated to donate five excercise books each to support the course."Donate a book to a child" campaign was lunched on several social media sites to help the project as well.

When all materials and items had been gathered , on  November 14, 2015, the Project Hope team set out to make the donations to Assin Akrofuom methodist and D/A basic schools in the central region.

The team arrived at the school  at approximately  11:00am and by 12:00am; all was set for the donation’s ceremony to commence.Present at the ceremony were ,the Headmistress and Headmaster of Akrofuom methodist and D/A school respectively.Also the PTA executives of both schools,council of elders in Akrofuom and Parents were all available.The founder of Project Hope Gh Christian Owusu Amoako ;who also happened to be the former President of Project Hope Gh- UCC and some past executives of Project Hope Gh-UCC  also graced the occasion
An array of activities including educational talk,musical chairs amongst others were organized as part of the entire ceremony .
The educational talk focused Drug abuse, Cleaniness  and  Teenage Pregnancy which has become  canker in the community. Some students were awarded for their good work .

The team also made available drinks, biscuits and toffees to the students and parents who came to grace the occassion.
The project Hope team also had an inspiring session with the kids where they  shared words of hope, encouragement and motivation to guard them to higher heights in their educational lives ahead.

Upon a sober reflection throughout the donation ceremony, one could not fail to notice the heartwarming level of joy, happiness and genuine gratification on the innocent faces and beautiful smiles from the students.

Mrs Beatrice Dadzie the Headmistress of Akrofuom Methodist expressed their gratitude and words of blessing to the entire Project Hope Gh - UCC Crew.

Moreover, in further consultation with the. leadership of Project Hope they affirmed that Project Hope will not  go sleeping after the donation but will visit the school time to time to check the progress of the school.

The team would be committed to its core mission of putting lasting smiles on the face of every deprived child and students in the country.

By : Enoch Kwabena Annan.( )

Sunday 15 November 2015


Dear Africans,

Have you ever wondered why FACEBOOK has never given us an app when our brothers and sisters get slaughtered like sheeps and cows in Nigeria or Sudan. WE saw the rainbow flag for gay rights and we have seen the French flag. And I'm sure any western world will qualify for this gesture.Does this mean that we ourselves do not care for the lives of those who die but are poor africans? You of all people jump on the bandwagon; and try to reassure yourselves thatyou are being a human being. NO you are hypocrite; just likethe people who run Facebook. NIGERIANS have been dying and I have not seen anything turn green and white? WHY because ALL of you have become comfortable with the death of poor AFRICANS. Death, becomes death, when it no longer astounds us. At that point the moral campus of humanity ceases to exist.Paris, London, New York, Hong Kong these worlds continue to render your humanity; but Lagos, Abuja, Joberg, everywhere where there is a Black African YOU HAVE NORMALIZED death. The industrial death of poor Africans no longer moves the world and has completely been taken away from the conscious of humanity. YOU ARE ALL hypocrites my African people.Your fervent desire to express remorse for tragedies in the western world, but retain silence for those of your fellow Africans continues to be a symptomatic reality of the disease of colonialism. Your actions are the offspring of your colonial history. Je nesuis pa Charlie, Je suis Wale, Je Suis Tao, Je suis Femi, Je Suis Akiyo, Je suis Karumba, Je Suis Mutale, Je Suis Sampa, Je Suis Adeyo.
I place a proscutory verdict on All Africans for your hypocrisy, your colonialism, and your normalization of the suffering of our continent. I find each and everyone of you guilty!!!I didn't see the Kenyan Flag... I didn't see the Nigerian Flag.. I didn't see the Sudanese Flag. YOU WILL NOT SEE THE FRENCH FLAG ON MY WALL!!UNTIL death, regardless of who the victims is, solicits the same disdain it does when terrorists attack paris. I WILL NOT NORMALIZE THE DEATH OF POOR AFRICANS.I stand in COMPLETE disdain of death. WHERE EVER it exists and wherever it is perpetuated by Terror. From ABUJA To Israel, Syria, Lebanon. I Poko stand against Terror; REGARDLESS OF THE VICTIM- arabs, muslims, christians, blacks, whites, women ,children, jews, hispanics. I STAND FOR HUMANITY.Yours faithfully and for humanity,

Poko Poko

Wednesday 4 November 2015

HOPE DAY @ ASSIN AKROFUOM.Donate to support ProjectHope

Project Hope gh is here again.It's the #HopeDay @  Assin Akrofuom .Project Hope Gh UCC chapter is about to embark on it usual reach out project.This semester's project is dubbed HOPE DAY @ ASSIN AKROFUOM on the 14th of November 2014.Project Hope seeks to spend the entire day with student and kids in Assin Akrofuom Methodist and D/A basic School.As part of the reachout program,There will be an educational talk for the both student and parent of Assin Akrofuom aside the Donations to be made


1⃣Need for child education(for parent)
2⃣Teenage Pregnancy
3⃣School dropout and it effect
4⃣The relevance of education.

Children in nursery to lower primary will spend quality time with members of project Hope.

It all about putting a smile on the faces of the student in Assin Akrofuom.Make a positive change in the lives of school children impacting them with the basic primary education.Support and Donate Exercise books, Old School Bags, Pens, Pencils and other Educational Materials to #ProjectHopeUCC.

To Donate Please Call or  Whatsapp Us On.
•Twitter: @ProjectHopeGh
•Instagram: ProjectHopeGh
Project Hope "A smile for all"

Friday 30 October 2015


The people from the volta Region are often called  No 9 .I use to wonder why and how they are refered to as no 9 until i came across a published article from the daily graphic explaining why our fellow kinsmen are popularly know as no 9

"Ghana's first Miss Ghana (1957), Monica Amekoafia. She represented then Trans Volta Togoland (Volta Region) and was the 9th contestant. A crowd favourite, she will forever go down in history as the woman on whose ticket people from the Volta Region earned the 'Number 9' nickname."

Monday 26 October 2015


Manchester United managed just one shot on target in their prosaic derby draw with City in what was a missed opportunity for Louis van Gaal 's side.

City seemed content with a draw and were well drilled with Vincent Kompany back in defence, but even Van Gaal admitted United did not create enough chances on another chastening afternoon for their captain.

Van Gaal is 'sick' of talking about Wayne Rooney but the topic of his form is not about to vanish. United supporters were audibly exasperated with Rooney at Old Trafford on Sunday and there were more calls to drop him after the final whistle.

Rooney has scored six goals this season - three against the under-strength runners-up from the Belgian league - while two Premier League strikes in nine starts is insufficient


The campus volunteers is a campus based volunteer group with the aim of making the society a better place .As part of their usual generous works, The student volunteers are investing so much time into the  #SupportABlindStudent project

Support a  Blind student project aims at equiping the resource center of the blind students in the University of Cape Coast .

The volunteer group take  turns after lectures to solicit for funds to support the blind students .This is because they believe the need to rise for a better society.

Volunteer Ghana aims at raising 9000 cedis to purchase 30 audio recorders for the blind students  on campus. Recorders are key in the life of blind students. Besides brails, recorders are their only resort to study.

In order to donate to help this project ,you will find the group at the  Parliament House, University of Cape Coast with their donation boxes. Where you can also donate to support this kind project.

You may also call the president or the Resource Center, UCC on +233248373780/+233207799146 for further information.

#SocietyCanGetBetter #SupportABlindStudent


Yesterday saw another queen being crowned in the one of the best reality shows in Ghana (Ghana most beautiful).One of the candidates Esi from the Central Region Cape Coast to be precise carried the ultimate after weeks of battling with other queens.

Aside her hardworking ,zeal and determination which took her to that far ,i realized she brought some sense of unity to oguaaman.It was amazing how all the media houses in Cape Coast rallied behind her to bring the crown home.

Each and everymorning ,u will hear all media houses in cape Coast advertising for her.Cape Coast was united to see her to the top.

Though i have a little issues with the whole Programe but i must confess this season of the show has been great.I say a very big Congratulation to Esi and the entire crew who supported her throughout especially Cape Threesixty .

If the whole of Cape Coast could show massive support to one individual to win the ultimate price then i will plead with the entire Oguaaman to rally against Illiteracy, Teenage Pregnancy and Sexual Transmitted Diseases in the Region.


The biggest party to hit UCC campus is on the run.The most anticipated Campus party is finally here.GLOW IN THE DARK which is powered by Zone 360 comes of this Friday 30th  OCTOBER @ BEJAYA (Elmina Beach Resort) .The time is exactly 8:00pm till the quizes start at don.
The  Dj for the night will be DJ lordZico who has been nominated for the best campus dj in the upcoming Tertiary Student award.Come and enjoy yourself as he lecture us on the disk...We only live Once come let Glow.

Monday 21 September 2015


 Illiteracy has become a major setback for Ghana as a Nation. For the past years, records shows that the number of illiterate in Ghana supersedes the number of literate. Current and previous government have tried their best to curb the solutions by building more schools in the country. But these effort seems futile and has left the nation in an impoverished state where we have so many children in our society who have dropped out of school and some not willing to go to school.
These glitches have been as a result of poor parental care and also in some cases incongruous mentors in the society for these children to look up to. In Ghana most of our society have children roaming without some proper to do with their lives. It is as a result of these social vices, teenage pregnancy, drug addiction have become rampant in our society.
From left to right ( Kwabena Annan & Hotep Abeku Adams
As part of the September 21 founders day celebration which is a national public holiday observed in Ghana to mark the birthday of Ghana's first president, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah and the founding fathers of Ghana, volunteers have also set aside that day to make an impact in our society hence a National Volunteer Day.
National Volunteer Day (NVDay) is a day slated for the September 21 of every year which is also Founder's Day by The GhanaThink Foundation, geared towards encouraging Ghanaians to take up the attitude of Volunteerism. The NVDay initiative has become part of the GhanaThink Foundation's Ghana Volunteer Program (GVP) which is also to promote volunteerism and volunteer activities in Ghana while getting more volunteers for this. The idea of volunteering to do something worthy in the society on these day is what triggered a young Man, Hotep Abeku Adams and his associates to come up with an idea of sending the kids in our society back to school.
Some Volunteers carrying the food for the feast
Foods Served to the Children
Hotep Abeku Adams is a young Ghanaian who sees the need of eradicating illiteracy from our society. He therefore came up with an idea of feasting with 1000 kids on these day. The whole idea seems outrageous but I believe when your dream doesn’t scares you then it is not worth it. For this reason he themed the feast A WAR ON ILLITERACY.
Abeku Adams upon meeting some volunteer groups before the day, he explained that the whole idea of A WAR ON ILLITERACY was taken from the Cuba Revolution which took in place in the year 1959. Fidel Castro a Revolutionist believed that the best way Cuba could stand was only if everyone could read and write. And within a year the dreams of Castro became a reality.
Hotep added “we live in a society that if we don’t help ourselves, there is no one to help us” hence all his life time, he has never dreamt of becoming a rich man but rather an epitome of change in the society. Also, he went to the University just to ensure the progress and continuity of the society .Therefore when Ghanaians talk about change, it shouldn’t be about political change but rather Societal change.
A volunteer speaking with some kids

Some Volunteers and the kids
Today’s volunteer day saw several volunteering and charity groups coming together at Amanful; a fishing community in Cape Coast to speak and mentor the kids in the society. Campus Volunteer, Project Hope Ghana, Basic Education Student Association from the University of Cape Coast as well as Dignity Africa and Cape Coast Youth Coalition for Development were also on Board to support the feast with 1000 kids.
Several individuals and family contributed towards the making the of an idea a reality. Volunteers spoke to the kids about the need to go back to the classroom and also touched on certain societal issues like Teenage Pregnancy, Drug Abuse, and Occultism which are major impediments in our societies.
various Volunteers and the kids of Amanful
Hotep Abeku Adams stated after the feast that “it is the first of its kind and it has come to stay, A feast with 1000 kids will be the first phase of A WAR ON ILLITERACY and it will become a Nationwide program” He further admonished the students from the University Of Cape Coast who offered helping hand that, “they must be a conscript of change in the Cape Coast. They must live Cape Coast after their four years stay with a legacy “.
Mr Woyome, one of the invited guest to the feast also added that “it is about time students from the university set foot out there to help the young ones live good a life.” He further stated “60% of Ghanaians are Christians, but we will not have religious identity when it comes to making a change in the society”

We must all stand and support this wonderful initiative of kicking illiteracy in our society 

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Ghana, The Begging Millionaire – Africa, The Begging Trillionaire

By Nana Kofi

Recently, I witnessed in dismay a tirade by a white man in the first class cabin of a mid-size airplane, admonishing another first class passenger, a Ghanaian male, for “begging” for his seat. What is wrong with you Africans? All you do is beg, beg, beg for everything!! You can beg all you want; I am not going to give you my seat. Tempers finally cooled down, and the aircraft took off. Unfortunately, I was sitting next to this white man who, a few minutes ago, had insulted my whole race. With nothing else to do, I turned and asked him “what was all that about”? Apparently, the Ghanaian man was travelling with his “wife”; they had been seated in 1st class on separate rows, and apart. The man had asked this white man to exchange his seat, so the couple could be close. The white man had refused, but the Ghanaian man had persisted with numerous “I beg you”; which eventually took the white man to his boiling point. “So what would it have cost you to exchange your seat?” I asked. His response, the essence of this article was this.

“I booked my flight the last minute, and got the last 1st class seat available, this one. This means it was also available to this man, if only he had asked to be seated close to his wife. He did not, but now comes “begging” for what WAS DUE HIM in the first place.” “That still shouldn't get your collar up”, I said. “You may be right; unfortunately, I have just finished a month long negotiations with your Ministers and Government officials over your god given mineral rights, and what my gold mining company should pay.

I come to your country, see all this poverty everywhere, with wealth right under your feet. Your own government gives only foreign companies the rights and privileges to rape and steal your country blind. For a few thousand dollars, your government officials allow these foreign companies to walk away with: (a) Perpetual tax holidays, (b) Duty free imports, (c) Bloated capital and operational investment costs,

(d) under-declared mineral output, (e) minimum wages for local employees doing all the work, but FAT salaries and expense accounts for foreigners who do almost nothing; (f) exaggerated cost of shoddy school blocks and boreholes instead of meaningful royalty to local land owners and communities;

(g) destruction of local farm lands with pitiful resettlement payments; (h) pollution of local drinking water; (i) destruction of local infrastructure, etc.

My bosses had counseled me at a briefing before my departure. I was asked to read your Osageyefo's “Neo-Colonialism”. Then I was told: “be prepared, and the first, to offer the negotiating team, (a) a few thousand dollars each; (b) a center, or a 6-room school block, or a few bore holes for the community; and there will be no mention of the usual above 10% royalties, or an actual government oversight of our operations, or adequate resettlement compensations, etc.”

I did not believe my bosses since I, a mere high school graduate, was coming to deal with officials with Masters and Doctorate degrees. Imagine my shock and disappointment when these officials, instead of demanding what is INTERNATIONALLY ACCEPTABLE COMPENSATIONS AND ROYALTIES for their country and communities, only accepted the 3% royalties, and with ALL KINDS OF GIVEAWAYS, and then came to me later BEGGING me to deposit “something” in their foreign accounts (numbers written on pieces of paper). I do not want to hear the phrase “I beg you” again.

The irony here is that these so called Educated people, after negotiating away the countries wealth, and depositing their “something”s into foreign banks, turn round to go and BORROW their own money from the IMF, World Bank, or “Donor” countries/ “Development Partners”. Do you remember the number of PhD beneficiaries, and the destinations of the Mabey & Johnson kickbacks? It amazes me that your intelligentsia, Ministers and Presidents, who have studied, or have travelled oversea, still don't get the idea that “THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH”. THERE ARE NO “DONOR COUNTRIES” OR “DEVELOPMENT PARTNERS”. THE FOREIGN MINING COMPANIES TAKE YOUR MINERALS FOR NEXT TO NOTHING, DEPOSIT THEIR HAUL INTO THEIR BANKS, AND THEN TURN ROUND TO LOAN THE SAME TO OUR GOVERNMENTS, AGAIN WITH REDICULOUS CONDITIONS.SUCH AS “NO SUBSIDIZED” BASIC EDUCATION.

Surely, companies like Anglogold and Newmont are contributing to our economy, I offered.
“At what price? Have you been to Obuasi recently to see the devastation and destruction of once a beautiful city? Newmont has over 740 sq. km concession in Ahafo; what did the Ahafo's get in return for Newmont's ANNUAL revenues of over $750,000,000? Almost NOTHING!!

This is exactly what your first President was talking about in “Neo-Colonialism“. Have you read that book? He asked me. I was ashamed to answer “No”. “I don't blame you; none of your “Educated” officials at the negotiating table had read it. That book ought to be a must-read textbook in your schools and colleges, so that you can understand how foreign companies and governments strive to rob you blind, just as before. Only this time, their methods are cloaked in one-sided “agreements” with the connivance of your “Educated” Managing Directors, Ministers, and Presidents. “How can you accuse our officials of complicity?” I asked defensively. Has your media asked why the MD's of the Ghana Chamber of mines keep defending the mining companies, or how a Ghanaian, working for a Ghanaian/British joint company in Ghana earned the “Order of the British Empire (Sir)”? Can you imagine these foreign companies, under the watchful eyes of your govt. officials, paying the indigene 5 pesewa (GhC 0.05) ground rent for their acre of concessional land after they have hauled away GhC 1,000,000 from the same acre?

THE BIG COMPANIES, NEWMONT AND ANGLOGOLD ARE NOT EVEN ASHAMED TO CONNIVE WITH YOUR GOVT OFFICIALS TO SIDESTEP PAYING THE INCREASED 5% ROYALTY. THEY ARE PAYING THE 5% BASED ON ANCIENT GOLD PRICE OF $300.00/OZ INSTEAD OF THE CURRENT WORLDWIDE PRICE OF $1500.00/OZ., SHORTCHANGING YOUR PEOPLE $75,000,000 in the process. Unfortunately, your negotiating officials are happy to giggle to the foreign banks with their thousands, accompanied in some cases by “Dr”s and “Sir”s.

Even the Chinese are getting in on the act, albeit ILLEGALLY. They are threatening communities with guns and firepower, AND YOUR MILITARY LOOKS ON UNCONCERNED. Your media is just as bad. With buffet lunches or dinners and a few Cedis in their pockets, your print media become the propaganda machines of these mining companies. They tout the few boreholes and the 6-room schools, but leave out the callous treatment of local employees and residents, and the destruction of the environment. The airwaves are SILENT on all this. WACAM IS THE LONE VOICE FOR THE PEOPLE. Why don't your media SUPPORT WACAM by broadcasting and educating the masses, especially the officials that (a) THE UNITED NATIONS DOES NOT APPROVE OF FOREIGN COMPANIES ROBBING THE INDEGENES FULL BENEFITS OF THEIR GOD GIVEN MINERAL AND OIL DEPOSITS. (b) Before Rawlings, foreign mining companies in Ghana could not hold more than 40% interest in their partnership with the government; now the Ghana govt. holds ZERO percent, while they hold 100%,; and therefore do not account to any authority.

A 50% annual return on investment (ROI) for the first 7 years, is generally considered EXCELLENT. Foreign mining/ oil companies in Ghana and the rest of Africa, are PERPETUALLY hauling away over 400% return on their investments, without any regard to the plight of the indigenes.

I feigned sleep, so he stopped talking. I was actually reflecting on all that he had said. I realized that YES, we had become too “give me, give me”; “I beg”, “I beg you”; “My Christmas box”; “Give us something for water”.

I am reminded by this my brother's analogy. His cat will “meow” for some food, usually crumbs, in his bowl outside. The bowl of food will attract the resident mice. One would think the cat would opt for the juicy mice, NOO. He would lay there and watch the mouse eat all his food, and then come back “Meowing” for more crumbs.


Disclaimer: "The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of The parrot magazine. The contents of this article are of sole responsibility of the author(s). The parrot magazine will not be responsible or liable for any inaccurate or incorrect statements contained in this article." © Nana Kofi.

Sunday 6 September 2015



An act of love need not  be a gesture grand or great.A smile can work
a miracle. Being there in times of need transcends the spoken word.
A helping hand is simply grand when hearts begin to bleed.A prayer is
nothing until it is heard beyond the highest life. But when it is
answered ,oh my lady! How strong is your belief.
An act of love may simply be a smile,a hug, a kiss ....,but it is joy
for all when we find the special people who make  life worth living
even when troubles come our way.

I never believed in the saying, "Truth hurts" until you left.
You left behind so much pain in my heart and gave me reasons not to
love by heart.
You have turned my heart so cold and brought my world so low.But I
know that time heals all wounds. So as I lay down to sleep, I hope to
wake with the pain you left in my heart gone and the wounds you left
in my soul healed.

The pain of yesterday gradually takes away the fear of being alone.
And memories of you gradually makes me stronger.
For many years you have brought me happiness and for many years you
made me wiser.
And just when I thought you would stay forever,you left without a word
or letter.
You brought darkness and sorrow into my world and left me so unhappy
and scared .
My mind has known no rest and my soul has known no peace since you left.
However,I know that someday you will be free.
Somehow you will be able to forgive me and somehow we will meet again.

Author ;Nana Acwesi Amoadu Junior

Tuesday 1 September 2015

African Christians suffer from ‘Acquired Immune Spirituality Syndrome’ – Lumumba August 30, 2015

African Christians have taken “a bash” from renowned Kenyan law professor and Pan-Africanist, P.L.O Lumumba, who believes they are “suffering from the Acquired Immune Spirituality Syndrome.
He was speaking in the context of how corruption is deep-seated in Africans, and that no matter how many times they attend church, they still go back to their old ways.
“I was telling a congregation not long ago that those who go to church on Sundays suffer from  what I call Acquired Immune Spirituality Syndrome and that they go to church every Sunday to receive their anti-retrovirals to last them for six days and that they go again and again.”
He also believes the difficult economic situations across the country is fueling such behaviours.
Prof. Lumumba said these challenges which have turned many Africans into “church-goers” can actually be tackled if they take the initiative to speak about these challenges and devise measures to resolve them.
“… Africans also have a problem which cannot be spoken about episodically. It is something that we must speak and act about. We must move into the arena of networking very quickly…young Africans must be meaningfully engaged.”
The Pan-Africanist is convinced the continent will not realise it’s full potential if it fails to resolve pertinent issues such as unemployment, among others.

“If you go into any hotel in Accra Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania half of the things that we are consuming are not from us and that means jobs and employment and I can’t agree more that until we solve the problem of unemployment we are not going to realise our full potential.African leaders must make the deliberate decision to begin to move in the right direction.”
“Unemployment is one of the most annoying and nagging things in Africa. We are about 1 billion now  and over half of that , 70 percent of that population is in the working age and our countries are not producing any jobs. In Kenya, Tanzania etc .. the Chinese are building railways, the Chinese are building our gas pipes in Tanzania. The Chinese are present everywhere because they are creating jobs for their young men and women,” Prof Lumumba complained.

By: Marian Efe Ansah/

Kofi Akordor-How the West created a Monster called Isis

By: Kofi AkordorTuesday, 01 September 2015 02:37
Published in Opinion
We thought we were too far away to worry about events in North Africa and the Middle East. Even Boko Haram, which is closer in neighbouring Nigeria, did not, at least we thought, pose any threat to our national security until news started filtering in that the dreaded Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) has set up a recruitment camp in Ghana.
As usual, the subject was trivialised, politicised and even bastardised in some quarters, depending on who was discussing it. But the truth is; the information that ISIS is recruiting our youth for training and operations outside our shores should not be seen as an isolated case.
It falls within a global pattern which if not given the necessary serious attention and checked at its embryonic stage could spell doom for the country.
It was unfortunate the media networks which claimed access to the information first did not act in the overall national interest.
Some of us were expecting that such a delicate information would be passed on to national intelligence to do its underground work and if possible arrest those that are the brains behind the recruitment instead of going public about even the meeting place of the syndicate.
For now, we can take consolation in the assurance by the national security apparatus that they are on top of events and that there should be no cause for alarm.
A statement attributed to the National Security Coordinator that since the movement is outward, we should not panic as a nation, if true, is, however, unfortunate.
We know that when soldiers train and go to war, they always return home not with calm demeanours, but with savage mentality which they could unleash on their compatriots. It is, therefore, not strange that countries that have experienced civil wars and other violent upheavals also become fertile grounds for violent criminals such as armed robbers.

What is ISIS?

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) came to world attention in June last year, after the declaration of its Islamic Caliphate by taking over large parts of Syria and Iraq. Since then, the group has been able to recruit thousands of fighters from various countries to join its ranks.
Western-led efforts to suppress the group have so far yielded little positive results and ISIS continues to grow in strength by the day just as its ruthlessness against its enemies and those converts who want to retreat.
According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, ISIS has over the past year executed over 1,841 civilians, including women and children, by shooting, beheading, stoning and burning for crimes such as sorcery, sodomy, adultery, banditry and co-perating with rival rebel groups and the US-led coalition fighting it.
The report also said the group had executed 182 of its own members who had been captured trying to flee back to their countries.

How it started

When the United States (US) and its European allies invaded Iraq in 2003, they made the world to believe that they were after a monster called Saddam Hussein who was planning to destroy the world with weapons of mass destruction.
Even after the invaders could not provide any proof of the storage of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, Western propaganda made the world to believe that the death of Saddam was a good riddance of an evil nut which would make the world safer.
Years after the death of Saddam, Iraq remains one of the most unsafe places in the world. The West went further to instigate the overthrow of the regime of Muammar Gaddafi of Libya in 2011 and is still making attempts to remove Bashar-al Assad of Syria from power by arming a lot of rebel groups against him since 2011, under the guise of establishing democracy and defending human rights.
The collapse of the relatively stable regimes in Iraq, Libya and Yemen, adding to the problem in Afghanistan and rebel activities in Syria, all through the covert and overt operations of the West , prepared fertile grounds for Islamic militants to intensify their activities in North Africa and the Middle East, leading to the emergence of the ISIS.
Today, the US and its European allies are trying to do damage control. But the more they pour in armour and personnel, the more the rebel groups also expand their operations, and in amoeba-like fashion, multiply under different names in various countries but with a common objective – to kill, maim, destroy and cause fear and panic.
Today the world is not safe, including for those of us who think we are very far away from the theatre of war. The idea that the recruitment wing of ISIS is on our soil means we are getting closer, and Boko Haram, which is nearer, may be even closer than we thought.
The media should stop running commentaries on such issues and rather provide valuable information to our intelligence organisations which should also put their ears on the ground. It is said that a stitch in time saves nine and to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Monday 31 August 2015

ACT OF LOVE ______Written by NANA AKWESI AMOADU JNR Date: 31st August 2015

Love is a dynamic and changing emotion.Sometimes it grows and sometimes it fades. 

Moving on from a relationship or marriage,leaving behind a past love, or pursuing a new 

fling can be scary, uncertain,and difficult. 

However, the prospect of change and new experiences can also be exciting and a time for discovery. 

Focusing on the opportunities and experiences ahead rather than dwelling in past memories can help 

us to move forwards. Our lives are in flux in every experience and moment, and moving on, no 

matter how difficult, is an important part of that process.The stillness of the night air surrounds 

me, its weight is almost unbearable.From my perch, sheltered among the cliffs, I can hear 

the mountain breathe.From within the rocks above me, I can feel the unseen eyes of creatures 

unknown. Their penetrating stare; a gaze that does not blink. And they wonder why I am here…. 

alone.In the heavens, clouds of the milky way captivate me their eerie light casts across 

the valley.Consumed in thought those very stars could reach down and whisk me away to where you wait.

Written by NANA AKWESI AMOADU JNR   Date: 31st August 2015

The fallacy of Britain leaving huge sums of money for Kwame Nkrumah’s government

By: Kwame Botwe- Asamoah, Ph.D. Date : Thursday, 02 July 2015 14:28

There is a fallacy being spewed by naive individuals and functional illiterates that the British colonial government left huge sums of money for Kwame Nkrumah, which he wasted. Often some of these Nkrumah’s haters cite figures from cynical sources on the internet as their reference point.
Sadly, their abhorrence of Nkrumah, and by extension the electorate, makes it impossible for them to conceive the fact that the African-centered fiscal policies of the Kwame Nkrumah internal self-government generated the revenue for the Gold Coast, part of which was used to finance the Five-Year Development Plan from 1951 to 1955.

As this discourse will show, whatever money that was “left” at the time of Ghana’s independence was, in fact, Nkrumah’s internal self-government’s creation from 1951 to 1956. But in order to dismiss the notion as baseless that the British colonial government left huge sums of money for Kwame Nkrumah, it will be worth the efforts to briefly interrogate the rudiments of colonialism.

Colonialism was a racist as well as evil system by which the metropolis (such as Britain) bonded its colonies to itself by political ties with the primary aim of promoting Britain’s own economic interest.
Thus the dominant reason for the scramble and partitioning of Africa at the Berlin Conference in 1884-85 was for economic exploitation. The three main features for the colonization of Africa as the then Premier of France, Jules Ferry, articulated in 1885 were: 1.) to have free access to raw materials of the colonies; 2) to have ready made markets for the sale of manufactured goods of the colonizing countries, and 3) to use the colonies as fields for investment of surplus capital.
Rooted in neo-mercantilism, the European monarchies and their private deputized agents confined themselves to grabbing territories outside Europe “on such lines as would attract the most possible precious metals to” themselves.

In so doing, those agents seized and/or captured lands rich in minerals resources, from the Americas to India. In the case of the Gold Coast, the British passed enactments (e.g., “The Foreign Jurisdiction Act of 1890) that allowed the Crown to cease lands through dubious treaties, grants, usages, and other means. Thus, the Act of 1890 allowed the British monarchy and its agents to secure “direct or indirect ownership, control and possession of the land”. In short order, “The Act” led to extortions and forced concessions, control, and exploitation of rich mineral resources. From the Gold Coast, the British exported the minerals and other resources to feed British industries (mills and other industrial plants), then exported back to the Gold Coast finished goods and products to sell to the People of the Gold Coast (Kwame Nkrumah, “Towards Colonial Freedom”).

This method of trade led to a serious “imbalance of trade,” whereby more monies and resources were siphoned out of the Gold Coast as long as the Gold Coast remained a British "colony", than were invested in the Gold Coast for the benefit of its Peoples. Even the limited infrastructure such as the railway lines in the Gold Coast (starting from Sekondi in 1898 reaching Tarkwa in 1901, Obuasi in 1902 and ending in Kumasi in 1903) were laid down to transport minerals and timber from areas of production to Takoradi harbour. Social services, such as the Ridge Hospital was built to cater for the European expatriates in Accra. And the scanty health centers in other areas like the mining communities and Sekondi-Takoradi harbor vicinity were set up to facilitate exploitation.
In other words, social services were put in place for Africans whose labor was directly producing surplus for export to the metropolis. Even so, a rubber  plantation at Fisher (named after the British settler-owner Holland-Fischer) in East Akyem Abuakwa, where bundles of processed raw rubber were sent weekly to Takoradi for export to England, had no health center, school, public lavatory and other basic amenities. (The rubber plantation is about two miles away from my hometown Ettokrom).
The underlying “exploitation without  responsibility” thrust of the British colonialism can be seen when, in 1943, forty-one Africans were killed in the Obuasi gold mine disaster without adequate compensation; as it happened, “the capitalist offered only 3 pounds to the dependents of each of these men as compensation” (Walter Rodney, “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa”).
In the Gold Coast, the European trading companies, notably UAC, Cadbury and Fry, John Holt, CFOA, SCOA, A.G. Leventis, G.B Ollivant exploited the Africans by controlling both the price paid for farmers’ cocoa beans and the price of imported goods from Europe  (Walter Rodney).
The price of imported goods from Europe either doubled or tripled. Profits accruing from this one-sided export and import trade were retained by Britain. It was for this and other reasons that the British Colonial Government suppressed and/or criminalized indigenous productions. For example, the colonial government criminalized the locally distilled gin (akpeteshi) by characterizing it “illicit gin.” At Kwabeng in Akyem Abuakwa, a man in the 1930s, our elders told us, was arrested by the colonial police and prosecuted at the colonial court in Koforidua for making a bicycle with bamboo sticks.

As well, to suggest that the Britain left huge sums of money for Nkrumah’s government meant that the British Government contributed to the expenditure of the British Colonial Government. This is also a fallacy. In the Gold Coast colony, as elsewhere, the British colonial government raised its own money from various forms of taxes and revenues (such as house/property tax, poll/head tax and income tax) imposed on the exploited African workers, farmers and others for the maintenance of the colonial administration, (including the Provincial and District Commissioners and their civil servants).

Otherwise, why would Ofori Atta I, during the WWI, give “eloquent proof of his loyalty to the Empire” by “contributing large sums of money to cover the cost of an aeroplane” (Jarle Simensen, “Commoners, Chiefs, and Colonial Government, British Policy, and Local Policies in Akim Abuakwa, Ghana, Under Colonial Rule”). In addition to recruiting soldiers, and as part of its commitment to the British “World War II Fund,” the Akyem Abuakwa State Council generated revenue from cocoa export to finance the Akyem Abuakwa contingent of the British Volunteer Royal Force put together to repel the Italian military occupation in East Africa (Kwame Botwe-Asamoah, “Kwame Nkrumah’s Politico-Cultural Thought and Policies”).
Also, the Asante “chiefs” made financial contributions toward three British warplanes. For his part, “the Chief of Adanse alone gave ₤1,000, 00 toward a third aeroplane that Ashanti contributed as its gifts for the prosecution of the war” (K. A. Busia, “The Position of the Chief in the Modern Political System of Ashanti”).

The collapse of the British Economy after Second World War
In the aftermath of the Second World War, the British economy collapsed for several reasons. First, because its industrial plants were entirely converted to war production, and partly due to the severe destruction caused by the war, Britain was unable to produce enough goods for its citizens.
In this case, Britain imported more goods than they could pay for with exports. Second, war time needs also led to huge losses of merchant shipping to submarines. Third, the destruction created the need to borrow loans for massive house building after the war. Fourth, because of the destruction of factories and machines, Britain lost much of its productive capacity, which resulted in accumulation of massive external debts—particularly to the USA.
Fifth, due to the conscription for the war, massive unemployment affected socio-economic life in Britain. As such, recruitment and training of workers were disrupted, thereby having a long-term adverse effects on the quality of British workmanship and management. Finally, war time efforts also had an adverse effect on Britain’s balance of trade, leading to inflation. It was because of these and other devastations of the war in other European countries that led to the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944 (see W. K. Hancock, and M. G. Gowing, “British War Economy” and Michael J. Hogan, “The Marshal Plan: America, Britain and the reconstruction of Western Europe 1947-1952”).
Therefore the British colonial government in the Gold Coast (now the Republic of Ghana) was not a philanthropic organization to have invested in the raw materials (cocoa, gold, diamonds, manganese, timber and others) and returned the profits to the Gold Coast, let alone leaving huge surpluses for Kwame Nkrumah to “waste.”  

The 1951-1955 Kwame Nkrumah Fiscal Policies and Five Year Development Plan. In his address on the eve of Ghana’s independence, Nkrumah pointed out that “when spending ₤124 million during the course of the” Five Year Development Plan, the CPP internal self-government “had received ₤1 ½ million in aid from Colonial Development and Welfare Funds. It was not a large proposition and we had in return made our contribution to the gold and dollar resources of the sterling.” He illuminated: 
“The Gold Coast has contributed, on an average, 25% of the net dollar earnings of the British colonial territories, and, taking into account our contribution of around ₤9 million a year in gold,in the five years from 1951 to 1955 in which the CPP have been in power, the Gold Coast contributed a net positive balance  of ₤150 million to the gold and dollar reserves of the sterling area. It will be seen therefore, that though the Gold Coast is small and, by Western standards, not a very wealthy country, it has made a significant contribution to maintaining the stability of the sterling area.” (Kwame Nkrumah, “I Speak of Freedom”).
At the time of Ghana’s independence, “Nkrumah had left $500 million of reserves, accumulated during the colonial period (from 1951 to 1956), in long-term low interest British securities” (Richard D. Mahoney, “J.F.K. Ordeal in African”).
A major portion of these reserves resulted from the Kwame Nkrumah internal self-government’s nationalization of the cocoa industry in the Gold Coast Cocoa Marketing Board (GCCMB) Ordinance (Amendment) of 1951, thereby making “cocoa revenue [a] common national property.” It should be noted that in reaction to the 1951 Gold Coast Cocoa Marketing Board Amendment, Dr. J. B. Danquah vehemently opposed the nationalization, saying that “funds of the GCCMB were not ‘profits’ accruing to government” (Kwame Ninsin, “The Nkrumah Government and the Opposition on the Nation State: Unity vs. Fragmentation”).
(Interestingly, the British Labour Governments of 1945–1951 enacted a political program based on John Keynes’s economic theory of collectivism, comprising nationalization of industries and state direction of the economy). But “this great source of productive investment ($500 million) was unavailable (to Nkrumah’s post-independence government) in 1959” (Mahoney, “J.F.K. Ordeal in African”).
The above notwithstanding, the CPP government maintained a budget surplus and a positive balance of external trade from 1951 to 1955. In 1953-54, for example, 10% of the gross national product was saved.
Thus “the Government put aside for public development ₤1 out of every ₤10 worth of wealth produced.” During the same period, “the corresponding figure for public saving in the United Kingdom was just over 3% of the gross national product,” while that of “the United States was just under 2%” (Nkrumah, “I Speak of Freedom”).    
By its judicious fiscal policies between 1951 and 1955, Nkrumah’s internal-self government raised the national income from ₤20 million to ₤65 million per annum, while expenditure rose from ₤14 million to ₤52 million. Besides, the government redeemed its external debts, whilst the country’s assets from all sources amounted to nearly ₤100 million by 1955 (Nkrumah, “I Speak of Freedom,”).
From these investments and savings (including dividends derived from the mining industry between 1952 to 1955), Nkrumah’s internal self-government designed its Five Year Development Plan and embarked on developmental projects (without outside loans).
They included: compulsory elementary school education, construction of secondary schools, teacher training colleges, technical institutes (all under the Accelerated Development Plan for Education), hospitals, nursing and midwifery schools, public health program and centres, roads and railways, the Adomi Bridge, Tema Harbour, tarring of Accra to Kumasi and Accra to Takoradi roads, Kumase College of Technology and the present University of Ghana campus. For example, attendance of the teacher training colleges, nursing and midwifery schools, Kumasi College of Technology (now KNUST) and the University of the Gold Coast were free with stipend.
(As a child in 1952, I saw the conversion of the feeder road from Accra to Kumase via Ettokrom to a tarred road covered with bitumen for the first time; and, my age group had fun stepping on the freshly sticky bitumen in the evenings).  

Prof. Adu Boahen authenticated the Nkrumah internal self-government’s outstanding achievements in the 1950s in Basil Davidson’s documentary, “The Rise of African Independence,” when he said: “The 1950s, to me, were the most important, the most fascinating period, the period of independence...... This was a period when far more was achieved between 1951 and 1954;  saw a pace of development in this country, which has never [been] seen.”  

But the exceptional pace of development Prof. Adu Boahen spoke about did not only result from developmental and planned economy, but it was also due to Nkrumah’s philosophy of self-determination and self-reliance (by taking over the country’s natural resources). As a matter of fact, Nkrumah’s holistic achievement (in the areas of educational, socio-economic and industrial developments) has been recorded as one of the fastest in a post-colonial history. Sad to say that these principles of self-determination, self-reliance and human-centered policies are what have been lacking in Ghana’s public policies since the CIA sponsored military coup of February 24, 1966.
As the foregoing discourse has elucidated, the $500.00 million or its equivalent in the British sterling in the British reserves at the time of Ghana’s independence was the making of the Kwame Nkrumah internal self-government from 1951 to 1956.
(We should bear in mind that Kwame Nkrumah surrounded himself with some of the economic giants at the time as his advisors; they included Sir Arthur Lewis, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics and the Cambridge economist, Prof. Nicholas Kaldor.)

In this respect, the claim of huge sums of money the British left for Kwame Nkrumah’s post-independence regime is a fallacy and not supported by historical records or any economic fact.