Monday 31 August 2015

ACT OF LOVE ______Written by NANA AKWESI AMOADU JNR Date: 31st August 2015

Love is a dynamic and changing emotion.Sometimes it grows and sometimes it fades. 

Moving on from a relationship or marriage,leaving behind a past love, or pursuing a new 

fling can be scary, uncertain,and difficult. 

However, the prospect of change and new experiences can also be exciting and a time for discovery. 

Focusing on the opportunities and experiences ahead rather than dwelling in past memories can help 

us to move forwards. Our lives are in flux in every experience and moment, and moving on, no 

matter how difficult, is an important part of that process.The stillness of the night air surrounds 

me, its weight is almost unbearable.From my perch, sheltered among the cliffs, I can hear 

the mountain breathe.From within the rocks above me, I can feel the unseen eyes of creatures 

unknown. Their penetrating stare; a gaze that does not blink. And they wonder why I am here…. 

alone.In the heavens, clouds of the milky way captivate me their eerie light casts across 

the valley.Consumed in thought those very stars could reach down and whisk me away to where you wait.

Written by NANA AKWESI AMOADU JNR   Date: 31st August 2015

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