Saturday 29 August 2015

What are you Proud of ? THE AFRICAN MAN

Many at times i read inscriptions written by people concerning somethings they are proud of.
Example of such inscriptions are 
A proud Witness
I am Proud to be an Adventist
I am Proud to be a Catholic
A proud Weslyan.
Well the above examples are how people demonstrate how proud they are with their faith.They put stickers and flyers on their cars to depict that.(I hope they don't put it there for beauty sake)

Others are proud of their school.For instance u see ,A proud POJO. For some their hall of residence in the University ;A proud Casfodian ,A proud Conti.

When i see that, i feel how people are well dedicated to their churches,faith,school,organizations and many more.I just pray and hope they don't say that for the fun of it.

But how often do we profess our love for our country and our continent as Africans.I am not sure the European man or American man will like to have Africa as his home.Some Donkey years ago the Europeans exploited our continent and took honey out leaving us with vinega.It is this same continent that the African man wish to spend the rest of his life. "When the man who raped your mother and killed your father drums for you ,Dance with caution"_Abeku Adams

Be proud of Africa,Be proud of Ghana.This is what we have got.You can change your church ,your school which you are proud of but you can never change the fact that you are an African.Our forefathers fought and built for us ,Our fathers (current leaders) have messed it up ,but we can restore it and make Africa a better place.To quote from Marcus Garvey"Let Emancipate ourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds
.YES WE CAN...#African_and_Proud

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